Easily create PDF presentations!
The PDFrizator is a Freeware tool to create PDF presentations, with the possibility to setup the PDF page transition effect, page advance time, and background music. This can be done for already existing PDF's, or from the various file type formats supported, that can all be converted, and visually combined, in the same project.
Because of the possibility to convert multiple file formats, the PDFrizator is also a handy tool to rapidly, and visually, create PDF files.
Get your copy from the downloads page.
Key Features
- Create PDF presentations, setting up the page transition effect, automatic page advance time and the presentation background music.
- Convert multiple file type formats (e.g. .gif, .jpg, .png, .tif, .cbr, .cbz,...) to PDF.
- Add supported file types to the project using the command line, Shell drag and drop, Internet search, or paste from the Windows clipboard.
- Powerful Resource Explorer, able to browse local files and online ones using Internet services such as: Bing images, Google images, Picasa, Flickr and Twitpic.
- Advanced Sound Explorer, with embedded player, to easily select local music files, or found in the Internet, searching in sites such as SoundCloud.
- Easily view and convert .cbr and .cbz Comic Books to PDF.
- Acquire from TWAIN sources, with timed acquire function.
- Auto deskew pages, even from already existing PDF's.
- Visually merge, delete, rotate, rearrange and set result PDF pages size.
- Advanced GUI, with docking functionality.
- Possibility to install in portable mode.
Main window |
Resource Explorer |
Sound Explorer |
Check For Updates |
Preferences |
System Requirements
Microsoft© Windows, 32 or 64 bit.
(95/98/ME/2000/XP/2003/Vista/Windows 7/Windows 8.x/Windows 10)
Any suggestions feedback and comments are welcome, and won't be ignored.
Don't forget to check out the PDFrizator Forum, the primary source for support, submit bug reports and suggest improvement ideas.