RTTSoftware Support Forum
PDF-ShellTools => General => Topic started by: Nick Riviera on September 30, 2019, 08:09:27 AM
Hello everybody
Is it possible to import a custom list of codes into barcode section?
You can use a barcode stamp, with dynamic data that can be provided from the command line or by an internal script.
Check the next two forum threads, to get a better idea how this work. These examples are for text stamps, but it works the same way for stamping barcodes.
Adding custom text stamp, from command line. (https://www.rttsoftware.com/forum.php?dsturl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.rttsoftware.com%2Fforum%2Findex.php%3Ftopic%3D502)
Refering to the last page. (https://www.rttsoftware.com/forum.php?dsturl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.rttsoftware.com%2Fforum%2Findex.php%3Ftopic%3D620)
For a practical example on how to work it with your problem I need more details about it. Where are these codes (DB, text file, spreadsheet, ...), how these codes should be added to the PDFs, etc.
I attached the examples I was talking about to make myself understood...
The pdf file is made up of 5+ blank pages and the code list is a text file
Many thanks
You continue without saying exactly what you want to do! Your sample PDF only has a barcode in the first page. Are the other codes, in the text sample list you provided, supposed to be stamped into the rest of the pages of the PDF?
Would a script that takes as input the text file with the list of barcode values and creates a new PDF document with all the codes in the list stamped as barcode into equal number of added blank pages work for what you need?
Yes ,that's exactly what I want... if it's possible
For example, I have 2500 alphanumeric codes in a text list.
I will create 2500 blank pdf pages then i stamp as barcode each page whit all codes in the list...
Would a script that takes as input the text file with the list of barcode values and creates a new PDF document with all the codes in the list stamped as barcode into equal number of added blank pages work for what you need?
The next script will take as input a filename with a ".barcodes" filename extension (your 2500 alphanumeric codes in a text list), ask for the desired page width and height and create a PDF with equal number of pages as lines in the .barcodes file, stamped with these alphanumeric codes as barcode.
try {
var options = JSON.parse(pdfe.DialogBox(JSON.stringify({
params: [{
type: 'edit',
label: 'Page width [mm]:',
name: 'PageWidth',
def: 50
}, {
type: 'edit',
label: 'Page height [mm]:',
name: 'PageHeight',
def: 50
if (options.Canceled) {
options.PageWidth = parseIntDef(options.PageWidth, 50, 1, 1000);
options.PageHeight = parseIntDef(options.PageHeight, 50, 1, 1000);
} catch (err) {
var Merger = pdfe.CreateDocumentMerger();
Merger.MergeDocument(''); //to circumvent a bug in versions <=3.3
var BarcodeValuesFile = pdfe.Arguments(0);
var objFSO = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
var objTextFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(BarcodeValuesFile, 1 /*ForReading*/ , false, -1);
while (!objTextFile.AtEndOfStream) {
Merger.MergeBlankPage(options.PageWidth, options.PageHeight);
var InputFolder = BarcodeValuesFile.substring(0, BarcodeValuesFile.lastIndexOf('\\') + 1);
var OutputPDFFilename = InputFolder + 'Barcodes.pdf';
var STCmdlineExe = pdfe.FullName.substring(0, pdfe.FullName.lastIndexOf('\\') + 1) + 'PDFShellTools.exe';
var StampTemplate = InputFolder + 'StampBarcodesFromImportList.stp';
var objShell = new ActiveXObject("shell.application");
var WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell");
WshShell.Run('"'+STCmdlineExe + '" stamp "template=' + StampTemplate + '" "DynCustomText=' + BarcodeValuesFile + '" "' + OutputPDFFilename + '"', 1, true);
pdfe.echo('Done.', 0, 2);
function parseIntDef(value, def, min, max) {
var parsed = parseInt(value, 10);
if (isNaN(parsed)) {
return def
return Math.min(max, Math.max(min, parsed));
Attached is a zip file with some files needed to set this up. Extract the archived files to a working folder and proceed this way:
Using the PDF-ShellTools Manager scripts page
Import the script named "CreateBarcodesPDFFromValueList.myscript" from that working folder.
Close the script editor, confirming you want to save the changes.
Close the manager.
The Windows Explorer right click menu for the "barcodelist.barcodes" file should now show a "Create barcodes PDF from value list" item (1st attached screenshot). Execute it.
The script will execute, asking for the desired PDF page width and height to use. Click its OK button.
The stamp tool GUI will open, with the task ready to run.
For this first run, you need to setup a script for the dynamic data functionality. Click the "configure" named button (2nd screenshot).
The Dynamic Text Stamp Settings dialog will show up. On the left list select the "Scripts" section and click the "New" button.
The scripts editor will show up. Name the new script "SelectValueFromList".
In the code editor write this code:
var Numbers = [];
function SelectValueFromList(param) {
if (!Numbers.length) {
var objFSO = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
var objTextFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(param, 1 /*ForReading*/ , false, -1);
while (!objTextFile.AtEndOfStream) {
var strNextLine = objTextFile.Readline();
return Numbers[CurrentTask.PageNumber - 1];
Close the script editor, saving the changes.
You only need to do this this time, to add the script to the system.
Your stamp job is now ready to run. Hit the "stamp" (or "preview") button and the result PDF will open in your system default PDF reader, PDF file that is also saved in the same folder of the ".barcodes" file.
Attached I'm including a sample PDF generate by this setup.
To stamp you own barcode values, just run it against your own alphanumeric codes file. Just make sure the file name has no spaces in the name, and has a ".barcodes" filename extension.
Thank you for your help and time!
I followed all the steps but receive an error at final step when trying to create barcodes " Working...Error (48,0): "
I have attached a picture for an example...
Use the manager to edit the main script and change the lines 49..51 to:
WshShell.Run('"'+STCmdlineExe + '" stamp "template=' + StampTemplate + '" "DynCustomText=' + BarcodeValuesFile + '" "' + OutputPDFFilename + '"', 1, true);
I've update my above post, to reflect this changes.
Thanks a lot!
Use the manager to edit the main script and change the lines 49..51 to:
WshShell.Run('"'+STCmdlineExe + '" stamp "template=' + StampTemplate + '" "DynCustomText=' + BarcodeValuesFile + '" "' + OutputPDFFilename + '"', 1, true);
I've update my above post, to reflect this changes.
I have some questions..
The barcodes are generated very quickly but,
1. if I want to align the barcode right top it seems not positioned correctly. I have attached an example image
2. which is the unit measurement for the size of the barcode, width and height ? I use millimeters
Thank you
1. if I want to align the barcode right top it seems not positioned correctly. I have attached an example image
Uncheck the "Fit to page" option. That option is accessible from the above design area toolbar, menu icon button. You seem to be using an older version, than the current 3.4, that has that option in the "Files" tab, stamp mode options group.
2. which is the unit measurement for the size of the barcode, width and height ? I use millimeters
It uses the points unit.
1 inch = 72 points
1 inch = 25.4 mm
1 point = 0.352777778 mm
So, to convert the value in mm, divide it by 0.352777778 and type the result in the tool.
hi - trying to get this to work, it seems like it should be simple but I am struggling to get the Script correct - I am wanting to add a text stamp for the serial number and registration code, and using the QR code text to generate QR codes.
It will be Page 1 = set 1, Page 2 = set 2 for each entry line.
I am ok to setup each barcode as a text string, but what is the correct script configuration if I can supply it as a string?
Please attach a sample PDF, manually stamped with the values in the zip file, so I can better understand what you want to do.
From withing the stamp tool, use the above explanation to add a script for the handling of the dynamic functionality (Dynamic Text Stamp Settings button). Name it SelectValueFromCSV, and add this code to it.
var Lines = [];
function SelectValueFromCSV(params) {
var opt = params.split(',');
if (!Lines.length) {
var objFSO = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
var objTextFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(opt[0], 1 /*ForReading*/ , false, 0);
while (!objTextFile.AtEndOfStream) {
var strNextLine = objTextFile.Readline();
return parseInt(Lines[CurrentTask.PageNumber][opt[1]], 10);
Now you can call it from any text, or barcode, stamp object, configured as Dynamic, like this:
[<SelectValueFromCSV>](c:\temp\test.csv,0) To fetch the serial number
[<SelectValueFromCSV>](c:\temp\test.csv,1) To fetch the QR code
[<SelectValueFromCSV>](c:\temp\test.csv,2) To fetch the registration code
In this example I'm explicitly typing the path to the csv file (change it to match yours), but you can replace it with the [C1] constant, if you want to have the previous example possibility to call it from a shell context menu item.
Or you may also configure a My Tools (https://www.rttsoftware.com/Manuals/STIndex.htm?pageURL=ST/English/MyTools.htm) stamp tool to have this stamp operation directly accessible from the Shell context menu.
perfect - worked exactly as described - thankyou again :)