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General / Re: barcode import list
« Last post by RTT on November 09, 2024, 01:58:12 AM »
Please attach a sample PDF, manually stamped with the values in the zip file, so I can better understand what you want to do.
General / Re: barcode import list
« Last post by nightslayer23 on November 06, 2024, 03:15:55 AM »
hi - trying to get this to work, it seems like it should be simple but I am struggling to get the Script correct - I am wanting to add a text stamp for the serial number and registration code, and using the QR code text to generate QR codes.

It will be Page 1 = set 1, Page 2 = set 2 for each entry line.

I am ok to setup each barcode as a text string, but what is the correct script configuration if I can supply it as a string?
Bug reports / Re: Persistent error in PDFE
« Last post by puckman on November 02, 2024, 06:33:59 PM »
Doesn't seems related.
Can you consistently make (what steps) this error to show up?
Do you have a multi-display system?

I do.  BTW... eventually I installed the Sumatra viewe and am using it as the default viewer within PDFE.  I will monitor and report back.

Thanks for your help.
Bug reports / Re: Recovering PDF's deleted from within PDFE
« Last post by puckman on November 02, 2024, 06:15:00 PM »
PDFE delegates the delete operation to the Windows Shell, by calling a Windows Shell API function, so the behavior should be similar to what happens when deleting from withing the File Explorer. Normal Delete moves the file(s) to the recycle bin, Shift+Delete deletes permanently.

Is that D: drive a local drive or mapped network or flash drive? Usually only local/external HDD have the recycle bin functionality. Right click the recycle bin icon and open its properties dialog. Check the drives listed and settings.

It is a local (RAID) drive.

Regarding these PDF files, with filenames that start with a $, have random names and fail to load. This name schema is the used by the shell recycle bin functionality, if you browse the recycle bin hidden folders. These are not the deleted files but rather binary files with information about the related deleted files, so the deleted files can be restored. Have no interest outside the recycle bin.
I have no idea how you got these files in that work folder.

I don't know either. In fact I can't remember when I first started seeing these files

Testing here I get the files correctly moved to the recycle bin, and only need to open it and undo the operation. No idea what happened at your system to continue to have the file names visible in the source folder within PDFE. Even after DiskTree scanning that folder?
Are the files also in the source folder when viewed from the File Explorer?

Yes they are.  Should this NOT be the case?

As I mentioned earlier, I tested a non-destructive delete (send to the Recyle Bin) within the PDFE environment.  The file was NOT present there.  I will test again and report back.
Bug reports / Re: Recovering PDF's deleted from within PDFE
« Last post by RTT on October 25, 2024, 04:04:09 PM »
Regarding these PDF files, with filenames that start with a $, have random names and fail to load. This name schema is the used by the shell recycle bin functionality, if you browse the recycle bin hidden folders. These are not the deleted files but rather binary files with information about the related deleted files, so the deleted files can be restored. Have no interest outside the recycle bin.
I have no idea how you got these files in that work folder.
Bug reports / Re: Recovering PDF's deleted from within PDFE
« Last post by RTT on October 25, 2024, 02:34:08 AM »
PDFE delegates the delete operation to the Windows Shell, by calling a Windows Shell API function, so the behavior should be similar to what happens when deleting from withing the File Explorer. Normal Delete moves the file(s) to the recycle bin, Shift+Delete deletes permanently.

Is that D: drive a local drive or mapped network or flash drive? Usually only local/external HDD have the recycle bin functionality. Right click the recycle bin icon and open its properties dialog. Check the drives listed and settings.
Bug reports / Re: Persistent error in PDFE
« Last post by puckman on October 24, 2024, 02:41:23 PM »
I don't recall anything specific that I did to recall the error.  I was simply using it different ways such as an InfoEdit modification, or filtering and selecting a and the error would show up on rare occasion.

I haven't had time to follow up on your initial reply.  I will do this sometime this weekend, monitor it and let you know.

Thanks for your help. 
Bug reports / Re: Recovering PDF's deleted from within PDFE
« Last post by puckman on October 24, 2024, 02:38:10 PM »
Find attached an image of the message error I receive when I click on the file that was deleted.

Also I neglected to mention that I went straight to the recycle bin to restore the files but they are not there. 

To where does PDFE send the deleted file? The message from PDFE I receive if I want to delete is "Are you sure you want to move this file to the Recycle Bin?   I tested a delete on a dummy file within PDFE and I don't see it in the Recycle Bin.

Bug reports / Re: Recovering PDF's deleted from within PDFE
« Last post by RTT on October 23, 2024, 02:20:29 AM »
Testing here I get the files correctly moved to the recycle bin, and only need to open it and undo the operation. No idea what happened at your system to continue to have the file names visible in the source folder within PDFE. Even after DiskTree scanning that folder?
Are the files also in the source folder when viewed from the File Explorer?
Bug reports / Re: Persistent error in PDFE
« Last post by RTT on October 23, 2024, 02:06:58 AM »
Doesn't seems related.
Can you consistently make (what steps) this error to show up?
Do you have a multi-display system?
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