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General / Re: Clear list of MRU stamps
« Last post by RTT on October 23, 2024, 02:02:50 AM »

Related topic: Ability to clear out saved stamps
The mentioned feature is already developed, but not yet present in the current public release.
Bug reports / Recovering PDF's deleted from within PDFE
« Last post by puckman on October 23, 2024, 12:28:10 AM »
Hello again.

I was doing some PDF library housekeeping.  Regretably, I did it manually because I haven't figured out how to use JavaScript in PDFE to leverage automation in the task.  Instead, I was repeatedly and manually selecting, copying, and moving files using the command under Menu -> Edit.

During one batch of moving, I accidently deleted the files intended for a Copy.  I received the message warning that they would be moved to the Recylce Bin  The second accident was a panic reaction that acknowledged it rather than my intention to cancel.

Within PDFE the filenames are still visible in the source folder but none are readable or accessible  All have the $******.pdf filename.  Also I can neither recover or see their contents with in the the PDFE viewer, Windows File Explorer and Acrobat Pro.

Short of hacking the security for the Recycle Bin, how can I recover these files?

Thanks in advance for your help.  I'm hoping you can throw me a Hail Mary because I ttried everything I know.

Bug reports / Re: Persistent error in PDFE
« Last post by puckman on October 22, 2024, 11:58:13 PM »
Would the Acrobat plug in also cause the following error?:
Code: [Select]
Access violation at address 004701D4 in module 'PDFExplorer.exe'. Read of address 00000004.

Exception class: EAccessViolation
Exception address: 004701D4
Stack list, generated 21-10-2024 22:48:54
System   :  Workstation, Version: 6.2, Build: 23F0, ""
Processor: AMD, AMD Ryzen 7 1700 Eight-Core Processor          , 2990 MHz MMX
Display  : 2560x1440 pixels, 32 bpp
(I deleted from the debug report the list of loaded modules deleted due to website's 20 000 character limit)

Active Controls hierarchy:
TPDEStringGrid "QEFTusjohHsje2"
TPanel "Qbofm7"
TPanel "Qbofm5"
TPanel "NbjoFmfnfoutQbofm"
TTabSheet "JogpQbhf"
TPageControl "TfmfduQbhf"
TScrollBox "NbtufsTdspmm"

General / Clear list of MRU stamps
« Last post by P. Allan on October 22, 2024, 12:27:38 PM »
Hi Rui

Is it possible to clear (i.e. empty it) the sub menu "Recently used" in the menu "Stamp/Watermark...".
Bug reports / Re: Persistent error in PDFE
« Last post by RTT on October 15, 2024, 02:09:06 AM »
Instead of using the Acrobat plugin as the PDFE PDF reader try using the Sumatra PDF one, with the help of the NPAPI interface.
Sumatra PDF stopped delivering the NPAPI plugin with the 3.0 release, so you need to install the old 2.5.2 version (, to get the npPDFViewer.dll file. Make sure you select, from the SumatraPDF installer options, the "install browser plugin..." option. You can then install the latest Sumatra PDF over that one. The dll will remain and will still work with the latest versions, even the 64-bit ones.
After you configure PDFE to use it (check attached screenshot) you will have a much more stable reader, without these errors.
Bug reports / Persistent error in PDFE
« Last post by puckman on October 14, 2024, 08:52:17 PM »
I've owned a licensed copy of PDFE for over 10 years.  I often get a repeatedly severe exception error which shuts down PDFE multiple time per boot-time session.  So I resolve it by re-booting my machine.

I tried to resolve it on my own through googling but to no avail.

I'll attach an image of the error notice I captured.  Hope you can help me out with this one.

Also, I also receive a lot of DDE errors for viewing the file after filtering and correcting.  However, didn't capture this one.  Just wondering if they're related.

General / Re: date format
« Last post by puckman on July 30, 2024, 03:22:18 PM »
Thanks RTT!
That's exactly the explanation I've been looking for.  I've added the link to Delphi basics page on time and date formatting. in case someone else is looking for the same answer wiith specific date and time formating.
General / Re: date format
« Last post by RTT on June 02, 2024, 04:34:43 PM »
You need to create a custom grid layout, and add to it a dynamic calculated column with a formula such as:
This will create a grid column where the PDF creation date is shown with the format defined in that formula. Because there is no format reference to the time, only the date part will be visible.
General / date format
« Last post by Roberto Marson on June 02, 2024, 09:57:16 AM »
 wanted to display only the date without the times in the creation date column. It's possible?
General / New Version
« Last post by dohnjoe on May 11, 2024, 05:12:49 PM »
Will there ever be a new version?
If yes, can you share the list of new features?
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