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Bug reports / Re: Failure of Batch Stamp Command
« Last post by mc2023 on June 08, 2023, 02:41:33 AM »
Thanks for your prompt reply.  Now I know the issue.  The counter variable works fine to me.  Waiting for the next release! 
Bug reports / Re: Failure of Batch Stamp Command
« Last post by RTT on June 07, 2023, 03:41:47 PM »
There is a known bug with the "give stamped files a new name" functionality. If the new name expression makes reference to the file name, or any metadata field, it will always use the data from the first file, from the batch being stamped, resulting in all the new names being equal.
As workaround you may add a counter to the new name expression, to make it variable.

It's already fixed here and will be included in the next release.
If you want to test the beta 3.4.1, contact me from your license registered email address.
Bug reports / Failure of Batch Stamp Command
« Last post by mc2023 on June 07, 2023, 09:49:35 AM »
I am using the paid version of PDF-shell Tools (Ver. on Window 10 Pro.  Batch Stamp does not work properly. 
Here is what I did:
1) Select both A.pdf and B. pdf files by using Shift-Left Click in File Explorer (First click on A.pdf and then click on B.pdf).
2) Right click the highlighted files to go to Stamp Command via pop menu.
3) Open Stamp template file on Stamp Command window.
4) Right click the selected pdf files to stamp only the first page.
5) File Save Mode is set to Backup Original File and check to give stamped file a new name.
6) Recall the Rename Formula file in Quick Setting under Expression Composer Window.
7) Then press Stamp.

It turns out that 1 stamped file (B-stamp.pdf) is created but no stamped file for A.pdf.  Then I did the same procedure above for A.pdf.  It happened that A-stamp.pdf was created but the content was the same as B-stamp.pdf (As if just renaming first created B-stamp.pdf to A-stamp. pdf).  I got the same result even I changed the name of pdf files.  Batch Stamp Command seems work on the last-clicked pdf file.

Any advice is appreciated.  Thanks.
General / Re: How to get a discription in the subject field of a att
« Last post by RTT on May 28, 2023, 04:06:06 PM »
Maybe a idea for a future release to add a kind of double click action to edit these fields in this dialog.
Currently the double-click opens the clicked attachment in the external assigned application.
The F2 key is Windows standard to enter field edit mode, but you are right that it should be mentioned in the user's guide, especially the need to click previously the column to edit, in order to select the filename or description fields.
Maybe a "edit" item, in the field right click menu, is also a good idea.

Last question, is it also possible to add this "description" using the commandline interface ?
No, but shouldn't be too difficult to add to the Attach command. Now in the todo list.
General / Re: How to get a discription in the subject field of a att
« Last post by pjotrki on May 27, 2023, 07:11:47 AM »
Hello RTT,

Thank you for your quick reply and help !
I love your great product.
I bought PDF-ShellTools yesterday after trying it for 30 days and it is worth every penny.
I tested your solution with F2 to edit the description in the attachment dialog and it works perfect.

Maybe a idea for a future release to add a kind of double click action to edit these fields in this dialog.
In your other dialogs the double click works, hence my confussion.
Maybe also add this functionality to the "Dutch" help-file. I didn't check the other help files.

I will keep my eyes open for a pdf with a meaningfull attachment-"relation"-field .....

Last question, is it also possible to add this "description" using the commandline interface ?

Thank You very much and have a nice day !

Peter Van der Velden
General / Re: How to get a discription in the subject field of a att
« Last post by RTT on May 26, 2023, 06:54:09 PM »
To edit the fields of the attachments description column, click the field with the mouse cursor and then press the F2 keyboard key. Using the same method you can also change the filenames.

Regarding the "relationship" named column in the attachments panel of the Acrobat Reader. I have no idea for what this column is used. If you find any PDF with attachments that shows any content in this column, let me know.
General / How to get a discription in the subject field of a att
« Last post by pjotrki on May 26, 2023, 10:36:52 AM »

i have a question.

With PDF-ShellTool i can easely attach files to an PDF-file. This works very well, thank You !
When I look at the dialog I see a second column with the "subject"header (="Omschrijving" in Dutch). See screenschot.
This column is also availeble when I open the PDF in the acrobar reader, see second screen-shot.
How do I edit this subject field?
Appartently there is also a "relations"-column visible in the Acrobat-reader. Is this also a value/field that can be edited?

Thank You very much,

Peter Van der Velden
General / Re: Company Installation
« Last post by RTT on March 17, 2023, 03:43:13 AM »
You may automate the installer as explained in this Silent Command Line Install of PDFShellTools forum thread but, currently, there is no easy way to also add custom metadata properties.
Easy to do it manually from the manager settings backup/restore functionality, that will include the scripts and custom properties definition.

I need to add the possibility to restore settings at installation time, with a installer command line parameter.

Meanwhile, you may do it like this:
1 - Create the installation folder, usually "C:\Program Files (x86)\PDF-ShellTools"
2 - Copy the PDFShellTools.propdesc and lkey.dat files to that folder, from the test PC.
3 - Create the program data folder under the user roaming profile, C:\Users\<user name>\AppData\Roaming\PDF-ShellTools or %appdata%\PDF-ShellTools
4 - Copy there the MyScripts.dat named file, from the test PC equivalent folder.
5 - Import into the the user Windows registry the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\PDFShellTools key, previously exported from the test PC.
6 - Run the installer, specifying the parameters /SILENT /PASSWORD=password
General / Re: Displaying PDF Page Size in Windows Explorer
« Last post by RTT on March 17, 2023, 03:19:08 AM »
You may use the RunScript command line function to run the script from a shortcut, batch file, PowerShell script, etc.
But it's easy for the user to manually select the PDF files that have the specific column empty (sorting by that column), invoke the right click menu and call the script from the PDF-ShellTools sub-menu.
General / Company Installation
« Last post by chrisrace on March 16, 2023, 07:28:50 PM »
Hello, is there a way that I can install this throughout our company so that each one has our 'scripts' built in / can be managed globally?
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