As ScanGrid or WorkGrid looks very similarly to excel cells
it would be nice to adopt few functions from excel.
1. Copy contents of one or more cells to others cells by drag.
If you in excel select one cell and move mouse cursor over right bottom corner of the selected cell,
the cursor change to small black cross. If you now push the left mouse button and hold you can copy contents of the selected cell
to others cells.
2. Moving through the ScanGrid (rows and columns) with keyboards only.
3. Implementing simple function ctrl+c ctrl+v ctrl+x.
Example: I have 20 files in the ScanGrid, using only the keyboard I go to the title of the first file,
use ctrl+c, move to the keywords of the 10th file and paste (ctrl+v) title to the keywords
and with the next keyboards shortcuts (ctrl+s) I save the changes.
Would by possible to adopt this technique in PDF explorer?
I know that similar functionality has in "Batch Tools/Edit info fields" but it take to long.
This function will make metadata change much more faster.
Thank you.