Author Topic: "Show Bookmark panel" not functioning (v1.5.0.58)  (Read 7282 times)

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"Show Bookmark panel" not functioning (v1.5.0.58)
« on: May 29, 2008, 01:10:00 PM »
I have noticed that the option to "Page Mode -Show Bookmark panels" in "Tools -Set Open Options" is not working as it should. Actually, as I have tried it, it is not working at all. The bookmark panel does not show up. I have tested with single files and with multiple files. But, if I go back to version .57, it works just fine.

Thought I would let you know (especially because we use this function all the time)


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« Reply #1 on: May 29, 2008, 10:53:00 PM »
I have done some tests and with my sample files is working fine.
Testing with build 57 and build 58, against the same file, and both versions produced a byte by byte equal file.
If you can, please, email to me one of your files so I can test it.