1.5.059 Beta2
1. ENTER and ESC keys
When using e.g. Split-Extract tool, the tool do not react on pushing ENTER key or ESC key on keyboard, you have to click on RUN button with mouse to start or Cancel button to exit operation.
The similar behaviour happens when using other tools (not all - Edit Info Fields works fine)
There are 2 concepts of this behaviour relating to ENTER key - cycle with TAB key and then press ENTER on selected button or ENTER will react always the same as click on RUN or START button with mouse - I would prefer the second one - any time I press ENTER the selected tool will start.
Anyway, this behaviour should be consistent in all tools.
With ESC it is easier - when I open some tool and press ESC key - selected tool should close.
2. Split-Extract tool progress bar
When using Split-Extract tool and processing more than one file there are two progress bars in the tool but only one progress bar is showing the progress (second one for showing progress of each file).
The first progress bar is always empty, I suppose it should show the overall progress.
See the screenshoot.