3) Convert text to image PDF ( curve fonts)
Not a very good practice, and only useful for very specific scenarios needed by users that already have access to tools that can do this.
This function is used quite often, for example, to reduce the size of text- based pdf file. It is implemented in the Actomat program,
http://apps.kuczynski.plit works automatically when binarizing pdf. Used Leptonica library
http://www.leptonica.com6) Send the pdf file to the program-compressor
These compressors do not support the command line:( but PDF-ShellTools script will help fix it))
If there is no command line, nor COM automation, how do you command these tools from a script?
I'm not an expert, but can not I make a script:
1) In the context menu of the pdf file(s), open the line PDF Shelltools "Compress with..." ( Specific settings are filled in by the user himself)
2)Starting the compressor program
3)Automatically transfer of the file(s) icon to the compressor program window.
Then you can manually select the compression mode and start
This will be similar to "Send to" command, if the program-compressor supported the command line
P.S. Sorry for bad english, i use Google Translator