Author Topic: PDF Explorer Web Interface, API based, Client.  (Read 78053 times)

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PDF Explorer Web Interface, API based, Client.
« on: February 09, 2010, 01:03:03 AM »
Just to present,  and talk about, of an advanced PDF Explorer web interface client.
It's a fully functional,  and with full source code,  HTML/CSS/Javascript based, PDFE web interface client, that uses the new web interface REST API, and demonstrate the usage of the API in the development of completely customizable PDFE web interface clients.

Here is a glimpse of how this client looks like

And here's an online demo, of both the standard client (html template based), and the advanced API based client.

Online DEMO site
File uploads are enabled, so if you have a PDF or CHM sample to add to the list... But not big files, please.


Release date
Web interface, API based, client v1.1.1


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Re: PDF Explorer Web Interface, API based, Client.
« Reply #1 on: April 25, 2012, 06:08:46 PM »
There are a few things I would like to change in the interface client you've created, however I'm not exactly very familiar with web design
If the usage of an Internet browser is not an requirement, you can use any other development environment to create your own custom PDFE web interface client, e.g. to even create a stand alone desktop application.

Perhaps you can recommend a tool that can help?
I've used the Spket IDE.

What I would like to change is:

1. set defaults for search options, such as
 - number of items per page
 - the type of view (grid, grid with thumbnails, thumbnails only)

2. Play around with the layout a bit (reader open from the start)

3. Add search functions:
 - search the search results
 - search by specific metadata field
To make these changes you need to know/learn JavaScript, and familiarize yourself with the ExtJS framework.
If you want to try, install the ExtJS 3.4 (this current client is not compatible with the last ExtJS 4.x versions), at the "C:\MySite\wwwroot\extjs", and make these changes editing the .js files at the "C:\MySite\wwwroot\js\debug" folder, specially the index.js. Check the changes browsing the index-debug.html, instead of the index.html one (e.g. localhost/index-debug.html)
But if you are not used to this, I would recommend that you start coding your client from scratch, using the last version of the ExtJS framework, and an ExtJS GUI designer. Use my sample client only as a source to better understand the usage of the PDFEWI API.

- rank the search using any available metric; at the moment the results are sorted by alphabetical order in the of filename and (sub)directories. Is there a way to rank by number of hits per document?
You can sort clicking the grid columns, and obviously you can use only the available data. "Hits per document" is not a field provided by PDFE, so you can only implement that functionality if you use a server side way to save/access that data. This can be easily achieved with a php server side script that acts as a proxy to the client requests.

4. Is there a way to pass the searched terms to Acrobat Reader's advanced search? Acrobat's advanced search will show the actual page and sentence-context when searching.
For Acrobat, check this
You can use the searched terms to construct the url used to show the PDF, for results returned for indexed text content searches.

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Re: PDF Explorer Web Interface, API based, Client.
« Reply #2 on: July 03, 2014, 06:39:52 AM »
hey i just wanted to know how do we enable thumbnails extraction. i enable thumbnails but no image is shown at the place specified for thumbnails. is there something i am doing wrong .i must mention that i have applied it as web interface for local server client network in office. furthermore, if a client uploads a file, it just doesnt get updated on the list shown unless DB Distktree is clicked on the server.?????i am using the older version


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Re: PDF Explorer Web Interface, API based, Client.
« Reply #3 on: July 03, 2014, 04:26:09 PM »
hey i just wanted to know how do we enable thumbnails extraction. i enable thumbnails but no image is shown at the place specified for thumbnails. is there something i am doing wrong .i must mention that i have applied it as web interface for local server client network in office.
It is supposed the above linked advanced web interface client installer correctly configures the thumbnails functionality. Have you installed it already?
Previous versions needed the installation of the third-party tools Ghostscript and ImageMagick, but this new version of the client includes a built-in solution.
The thumbnails functionality is not provided by PDFE itself. It needs an external tool for that. You can read more about it in the help file.

furthermore, if a client uploads a file, it just doesnt get updated on the list shown unless DB Distktree is clicked on the server.?????
You need to define a folder monitor to the related disk/folders so it can detect the new files and index them in the database. Do it under the menu Database>IndexerSettings|FolderMonitors.
i am using the older version
Older version of what? PDFE or advanced web interface client?

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Re: PDF Explorer Web Interface, API based, Client.
« Reply #4 on: July 11, 2014, 06:08:51 AM »
hey thanx for the help...i am using PDFE. kn i make it advanced web interface client/? if yes then how? please explain in steps....... plus when i click DBDsik Tree on the web interface, something like Flie Name  %FileName%
author % author% and so on is when i click the sub folder check box, the list of pdf docs appears..... how kn i have this sub folders check box checked on default or as a better option, how kn i make the first page appear as i want it to..i mean customized appearance after clicking DBDisk Tree on client station.plz give step wise replies.thanx


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Re: PDF Explorer Web Interface, API based, Client.
« Reply #5 on: July 11, 2014, 11:30:04 PM »
i am using PDFE.
In your last post you referred you were using an older version, so what version you have? Check the version in the about box, menu Help>About.
kn i make it advanced web interface client/? if yes then how? please explain in steps.......

You just need to download and install the advanced web interface client. The download is in the first post of this forum thread, file Have you installed it already? After installing it, you just need to start the PDFE web interface and open your browser in one of the suggested URLs.
plus when i click DBDsik Tree on the web interface, something like Flie Name  %FileName%
author % author% and so on is shown.
Interesting! You are seeing the standard web interface client template html page. Somehow, it is failing to load correctly or you are doing something wrong.
What is your Windows version and what language you have set for non-Unicode programs (under the Windows regional settings)?

now when i click the sub folder check box, the list of pdf docs appears..... how kn i have this sub folders check box checked on default or as a better option, how kn i make the first page appear as i want it to..i mean customized appearance after clicking DBDisk Tree on client station.plz give step wise replies
The standard web interface also works without the sufolders checkbox checked, as you can see if you go to the demo site (link in the first post of this thread). Something is not working on your side, but I need your answers to my above questions to get a better idea of what may be wrong.


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Re: PDF Explorer Web Interface, API based, Client.
« Reply #6 on: December 27, 2018, 01:11:07 AM »

After years of using this new web interface, I just found out that on your sample website (, I can display webpage grid layout with "ALL" fields of the PDFs, not just the "Standard" fields as the sample template provides. 

Would you please provide the webpage grid layout temp for "ALL" fields?  I need to display the date/time of modification, so I can list them easily.

Thanks and wish you a very happy new year!


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Re: PDF Explorer Web Interface, API based, Client.
« Reply #7 on: December 27, 2018, 01:29:01 AM »
If I'm understanding it correctly, you just need to set up the "All" fields layout as available to the user group, under the users and permissions options dialog.


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Re: PDF Explorer Web Interface, API based, Client.
« Reply #8 on: December 27, 2018, 02:02:51 AM »
Wow, thank you so much, I never thought of that would be a permission issue because my guest login... many thanks!!!


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Re: PDF Explorer Web Interface, API based, Client.
« Reply #9 on: November 15, 2021, 03:57:19 PM »
Hi i found this site today and first question is:

You still work on your software ?


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Re: PDF Explorer Web Interface, API based, Client.
« Reply #10 on: November 15, 2021, 08:29:02 PM »
Yes, still an active project.


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Re: PDF Explorer Web Interface, API based, Client.
« Reply #11 on: November 16, 2021, 09:24:19 AM »
Yes, still an active project.

Thats great !

We have an special request, can we send this via email to you ?


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Re: PDF Explorer Web Interface, API based, Client.
« Reply #12 on: November 18, 2021, 01:43:32 AM »
Sure. Send it to the email address you can find in the program about box.