I've just been handed several large PDFs which I need to split up into individual files. Fortunately it looks like someone used PDF Shell Tools to merge them as each sub-file does have a bookmark.
But as there's no unmerge -BookmarkAll I'm going to have to reach for PdfTK to extract the bookmark information and write a MS Dos script to call PDF Shell tools with the right start/end pages and titles.
Something like
for /F "eol=; tokens=1,2* %i in (bookmarks.txt) do PDFShellTools Split -s SplitRules=%i-%j "OutputFilename=%k" BigMergedFile.pdf
If there's not a way to do this with the API (which I haven't exhaustively checked) can you please consider for some time in the future?
[edit = bug fixed in above - %k is automatically created]