Author Topic: orden de las paginas  (Read 10391 times)

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orden de las paginas
« on: October 18, 2016, 06:49:27 PM »
Buenas tardes, tengo la siguiente inquietud, no he podido arreglar el orden de las paginas en el momento de escanear, por que cuando se escanea la que debe ir de primeras queda de ultima, y la ultima de primeras, el problema es que se escanea 100 o mas hojas. Gracias por su pronta respuesta.


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Re: orden de las paginas
« Reply #1 on: October 18, 2016, 07:43:34 PM »
With the current version of the PDFrizator there is no automated functionality to invert the page order. You may manually drag each page and drop it at the desired location, or right click each page (or selection of pages) and set the index where to move these pages.

Rearranging the pages order is easy to do with my other tools (PDF Explorer and PDF-ShellTools) merge tool.
To invert the order, you just need to edit the "Pages to include" column field and type the range of pages inverted, i.e. for a 100 pages document you just need to write 100-1.