
Configured with the DBRemote servers settings tool, this scan mode is used to access remote PDF Explorer, web interface enabled, instances, with the same functionality of the DBDiskTree and DBSearch but querying the remote PDF Explorer database.

Any metadata changes, file rename and deletions, made to a remote PDF referenced file will be applied to the remote database and file, if logged user has permission to execute such change.

This scanning mode can also access PDFs stored in the cloud, from services such as Google Drive and Microsoft OneDrive. Not all the functionality of the DBDiskTree and DBSearch is available from this services, limitations that are imposed by the respective service API capabilities. As example, this services don't usually make available the PDFs metadata in equivalent cloud file object fields, so there is no way to retrieve, or edit, the metadata without downloading the file. To circumvent this problem, the PDF Explorer uses the description field, of the cloud file object, to store the PDF Explorer defined metadata fields. A My Scripts script is available to pre-fill this description field. It will download each of the passed cloud file references, extract its metadata fields and update the cloud file object description field with it. After this is done the metadata will show in the PDF Explorer grid as usual.